Helmut Thielicke quote

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

Proverbs 31:30

C. S. Lewis quote

"Lose your life and you will save it. Submit to death, death of your ambitions and favorite wishes everyday and death of your whole body in the end: submit (to God) with every fiber of your being, and you will find eternal life."
-C. S. Lewis "Mere Christianity"

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My Big Writing Problem

I'm having a really hard time right now with writing.  Yes, the Writing Queen has writers block!  I don't know how I accumulated it, but I have it.  And I have had for the past two months!  But inspiration is starting to slowly creep back into my mind, my idea-less brain.  So what happens when in the middle of school I have a really good idea for my book?  I can't write it down or type it because I'm in the middle of a class.  Then the idea is lost completely to the world!  *Sigh*  That is one of the many joys of being in high school.

I think it's safe to say that I've never gotten writer's block this severe before.  I've tried every exercise to blow it away for the day, but nothing helps it!  But today... yes, this glorious morning, I got a brilliant idea for my book!  Yes, yes!!!  Life!!!  GIVE MY BOOK LIFE!!!


Anyways, so I was reading my Bible study, and a line came to me.  A line that a little boy was speaking, and it gave me the best idea ever!  It's for a character of mine named Noah Cruse who is a redheaded four year old.  It was such a cute line and I didn't forget it!  So after that happened, BOOM! another idea came to my head for that same book little Noah is in.  Under the Cover of Darkness.

An idea finally came into my mind!  Into my dusty brain!  An idea had arisen from the ashes from the burning of the writer's block (yeah, I have no idea what that even means)!  IT WILL ARISE!  MY IDEA WILL SURFACE IN TIME!  Just wait and see!  Wait and see!  It will break through the un-penetrable bubble of writer's block!

So now it's Idea vs. Writer's Block.  And this time I'm sure Idea will win!

That was my random talk...  

Angelina Zoe  

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