Helmut Thielicke quote

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

Proverbs 31:30

C. S. Lewis quote

"Lose your life and you will save it. Submit to death, death of your ambitions and favorite wishes everyday and death of your whole body in the end: submit (to God) with every fiber of your being, and you will find eternal life."
-C. S. Lewis "Mere Christianity"

Sunday, December 28, 2014


At last, I have emerged from my hermit like state of blog life and have decided to write a blog post! My bout of laziness has passed from me like the winds of the sea. Now the real question is what to write about... I'm afraid I haven't been very faithful these last few... months. So forgive me, dear readers. But never fear, I AM BACK!

I have exactly a week left until school starts back up again, and I have made a commitment to myself, one that I will start out having good intentions, but will probably end up not really following through. My lazy streak usually wins over with this statement: "Oh, you have time to do it later! Just relax right now. Vacation is almost over. You need to finish that season of Doctor Who before the new year." <--- Me... taunting me. That's my life during vacation. I CAN'T ESCAPE DOCTOR WHO.

But anyways, my goal is to get at least four chapters finished in a new book I am starting, or a book that I need to finish. Lately I've been going crazy writing short stories and skimping out on writing my books, that I haven't gotten anything done. But I've learned that if you're sneaky enough, you can slip those short stories into your actual book... IF they fit. Somehow my subconscious led me to write a bunch of these short stories for this new book I'm writing, and THEY FIT PERFECTLY. So I'm pretty psyched about that... my praise report of the month, I guess.

So, goal for this week: either finish at least four chapters in a book I'm writing or starting, or paint a masterpiece.

Yeah, going for the first of the two.

~Angie <3

I am too lazy to read over this post, so if you find any typos... sorry. I'm just too lazy to read. Hey, I'm on vacation  people! :P